Mass school testing may 'help judge impact of COVID-19 on attainment'

Mr Black says school attendance in deprived areas have been hit harder

Published 4th Dec 2020

The impact of coronavirus on pupils' attainment and health could be assessed through mass testing at schools around Scotland, a Labour Holyrood election candidate has suggested.

Barry Black, an education researcher who will stand in the North East Scotland region in next year's ballot, said one primary and one secondary school in each council area could take part.

This would provide better understanding of prevalence in each area, he said, and allow the implications for attainment to be clearer before decisions on whether exams should go ahead are taken.

Mr Black said attendance rates in schools in more deprived areas have been hit harder by the pandemic.

He also called for teachers and school staff to be given high priority for Covid-19 vaccines.

"Far more data and understanding is required of the prevalence of Covid in Scottish schools,'' Mr Black said.

"My research has shown that greater numbers of young people in Scotland's most deprived areas are missing out on school recently compared to previous years due to the need to self-isolate.

"Voluntary mass testing of one primary and secondary school in each local authority would allow us to know the current prevalence of the virus in schools so we can better utilise resources and make evidence-based decisions in the interests of health, safely and education.''

He added: "It is becoming increasingly difficult to see how an equitable exam diet is possible next year given the large variation in attendance rates across the country.

"The impact of Covid on education has not been equitable. The most deprived pupils will be the most disadvantaged.

"Teachers and school staff deserve to know the risk in their working environment and such testing could be a key tool in achieving that.

"They have been on the front line during this pandemic - providing the most essential of services - they deserve every bit of protection.''