Man To Stand Trial Accused Of Threatening To Post Revenge Porn Pics Of Ex Online

Published 20th Nov 2014

A man is to stand trial accused of threatening to post revenge porn pics of his ex on a social networking site as part of a campaign of stalking.

Stewart Black is alleged to have "engaged in a course of conduct that caused the woman fear and alarm" between April 20 and May 5 this year.

It is alleged that at various addresses in Dundee - including at the city's Ninewells Hospital - that Black "continually contacted" the woman by text, phone calls and emails as well as repeatedly turning up at her home address and place of work.

Prosecutors say he also attended at her parents' address and threatened to post "indecent pictures" of the woman on a social networking site.

Black, 28, of Midmill Road, Dundee, pleaded not guilty to a charge of stalking at Dundee Sheriff Court.

Jack Brown, defending, said the defence were still awaiting a mobile phone report from police on the contents of the accused's handset.

Fiscal depute Kirsten Thomson said that would be ready ahead of the trial.

Sheriff Tom Hughes continued the case to a trial date next month.