Man Spared Jail for Sex with Underage Girls

A man who had sex with one 14-year-old girl, carried out sex acts with another and sent a series of sex texts to two more has avoided a jail term.

Published 9th Oct 2015

A man who had sex with one 14-year-old girl, carried out sex acts with another and sent a series of sex texts to two more has avoided a jail term.

Cops searched through more than half a million text messages on Blair Kennedy's mobile phone after a complaint was made against him.

That uncovered four 14-year-old girls who he had had sexual contact with.

Kennedy contacted the first girl when he was aged 16 - asking her for naked pictures of herself before sending one of himself naked from the waist down.

He later met another girl of the same age and again started texting her, before meeting up with her at an address in Dundee where she carried out a sex act on him.

They later met again, when they had sex after the girl's mum went out to work.

Around the same time he was again exchanging text messages with another 14-year-old girl, asking her to have sexual relations with him.

Fiscal depute Nicola Gillespie told Dundee Sheriff Court: "She came round and the accused suggested they go to bed."

The prosecutor said Kennedy then touched her and pulled down her trousers - but she then pushed him off and said she "didn't want to do it".

Then in 2013, starting when Kennedy was 17 and continuing until he was 18, he exchanged messages with another 14-year-old girl.

Miss Gillespie said: "He continually asked her to have sex with him and encouraged her to take photos of herself, including pictures of her carrying out a sex act.

"She said she felt uncomfortable about what the accused asked her to do.

"An initial complaint was made by another girl and that led to him being interviewed.

"His mobile phone was seized and there were around 500,000 messages on it which were then analysed.

"Other complainers then came to light."

Kennedy, 19, of Craigie Avenue, Dundee, pleaded guilty on indictment to five charges under the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act.

The offences took place between January 2012 and December 2013 at addresses in Dundee.

Kevin Hampton, defending, said: "These are extremely serious offences and he is aware of that."

Sheriff Lorna Drummond QC imposed a community payback order with 225 hours unpaid work and one year's supervision.

Kennedy will be on the sex offender's register for one year.