Man jailed for 'unimaginable' chainsaw attack at Dundee golf club

Joe Brown previously pleaded guilty to attempted murder

Published 26th Oct 2018

A man who tried to kill a stranger with a chainsaw at a Dundee golf club has been jailed for more than eight years.

Joe Brown had smiled as he attacked 61-year-old victim Arthur Innes, who was left scarred for life.

The 45-year-old today returned to the dock after he earlier admitted attempting to murder Mr Innes at Caird Park Golf Club in Dundee in May this year.

Lord Matthews told him: “This was a dreadful offence. It was like something out of a horror film.

“This was a man going out to play golf and then being confronted by someone with a chainsaw.

“It must have been unimaginable.”

The judge jailed him for a total of eight years and three months at the High Court in Glasgow.

Brown will also be supervised for a further three years on his release.

The dad waved to two people in the courtroom as he was lead handcuffed to the cells.

Mr Innes was attacked as he and two friends got out their cars to play golf.

Brown – wearing only denims – walked up and stated: “Madness is in the eyes.”

He was described as “smiling” with his eyes “bulging”.

Brown then pulled the chainsaw cord starting it immediately.

Brown raised the chainsaw bringing it down towards Mr Innes.

The victim desperately put up his arm to protect himself, but was hit.

Prosecutor Owen Mullan said: “Brown again struck Mr Innes with the chainsaw, scraping it down the right side of his head and top of his right shoulder.”

A wounded Mr Innes managed to barge Brown away, who then fled the scene after dropping the chainsaw.

Mr Innes suffered a large scar on his arm and another to his head.

Medics stated it was lucky his injuries were not deeper.

The court heard that Brown later punched another man after stating to him: “I'm asking for your help.”

He was later found collapsed outside a grandmother's home.

He told the woman: “I'm a bad man. I attacked someone with a chainsaw on the golf course.”

Brown was soon held by police and said to officers: “I want to stay on my knees and pray for the guy I hurt.

“If I've hurt somebody I won't live with myself.”

A haul of cannabis plants, ecstasy pills and cocaine were later found during a search of his Dundee home.

As well as the attempted murder, Brown also pled guilty in court to assault and drugs charges.

His QC Ronnie Renucci today/yesterday said the offences were “an unusual set of circumstances”.

Lord Matthews then remarked: “I would hope so.”

Mr Renucci added Brown had suffered a number of personal issues before the crimes.

He went on: “He had a successful business that went into difficulty.

“There were problems in a relationship. He felt the strain and pressure was getting too much for him.”

The hearing was told Brown then went “down the route of self medication”.

The QC said Brown accepted it was “luck more than judgement” Mr Innes was not more badly injured.

Police have also acknowledged the sentence.

Chief Inspector Nicola Russell said: "It is hard to imagine how horrifying this must have been for Mr Innes and his friends, who had gone out that day to enjoy a game of golf.

"I hope today’s sentence brings some comfort to them and I wish them well for the future.

"I would also like to pay thanks to members of the public who responded which resulted in officers apprehending Brown quickly."