Man jailed for 9 years for sexually abusing young girls in Levenmouth

Published 17th Jul 2019

A man has been jailed for 9 years for raping and sexually assaulting girls in Levenmouth.

George Izatt, 37, was convicted at the High Court in Edinburgh of attacking 4 children, aged 5 to 11, between 2004 and 2013.

He became the subject of an investigation by Fife's Public Protection Unit after one of his victims came forward to report the abuse.

Speaking following the sentencing, Detective Constable Ross French from Fife's PPU said: "For almost a decade, George Izatt committed attrocious offences against young girls and his crimes could have gone unpunished had it not been for the bravery of those who provided us with information.

"I'd like to pay tribute to the young women who assisted with this inquiry. Their assistance has resulted in Izatt's custodial sentence.

"We want to make it clear that time is no barrier for police to investigate reports of sexual abuse.

"Should you have information relating to crimes of this nature, even if they took place several years ago, please come forward so we can conduct a thorough, professional and sensitive investigation and bring perpetrators to justice."