Man accused of Steven Donaldson murder told friend's love rival he would "kill him"

Published 2nd Apr 2019
Last updated 2nd Apr 2019

A man who allegedly murdered his co accused's ex boyfriend told his friend's love rival that he had an "axe" and he would "kill" him, a court heard.

Sam Wilkie, 29, told a jury that Callum Davidson, 24, made the remarks during a series of phone calls which he received in January 2018.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard Mr Wilkie say that he was in an "on off relationship" with a woman called Nicola Matthews.

Mr Wilkie, of Kirriemuir, Angus, said that Ms Matthews had ended their relationship in autumn 2017 - just as she was pregnant with his child.

He told the court that Ms Matthews had started a relationship with Steven Dickie, 24.

The court heard that in January 2018, a car belonging to Ms Matthews was "smashed up" which allegedly prompted Mr Dickie to make a series of phone calls to Mr Wilkie.

Mr Wilkie said that during the phone calls, Mr Dickie asked him to meet at at the Peter Pan Play Park in Kirriemuir.

Jurors had earlier heard that Mr Dickie, Mr Davidson and a woman called Tasmin Glass, 20, allegedly murdered her former partner Steven Donaldson during an attack at the park and at another location.

Mr Wilkie said that during this phone call, he could hear Mr Davidson shouting in the background.

When prosecution lawyer Ashley Edwards QC asked Mr Wilkie to recall what Mr Davidson said, he replied: "Callum was shouting 'You're getting killed, you're getting killed. I'm gonna kill you when I see you.'"

He then told the court that Callum remarked in a later phone call: "I've got an axe. I'm going to find you s***e bag."

Mr Wilkie was giving evidence on the second day of proceedings against Tasmin Glass, 20, and Mr Dickie and Mr Davidson.

The trio - who all come from the Kirriemuir area - deny murdering Mr Donaldson in Kirriemuir between June 6 and June 7 2018.

Mr Dickie and Mr Davidson also deny a number of other assault and threatening behaviour charges.

On Tuesday, Mr Wilkie told the court that he and and Mr Dickie and Mr Davidson had a problematic relationship dating back a few years.

He said that he and Mr Dickie dated Ms Matthews.

Mr Wilkie said: "We've been on and off together for around four years and Steven was involved."

He also told the court that Mr Dickie would shout abuse at him and call him names like "rat", "paedo" and "beast".

Mr Wilkie, a tractor driver, said that Ms Matthews had ended their relationship whilst she was pregnant with his child. She then started to date Mr Dickie.

The witness told Ms Edwards that Ms Matthews car was damaged and that Mr Dickie phoned him to blame him for the incident.

He added: "He phoned me to say it was about Nicola. He ends up going crazy down the phone at me. He said I had to go meet him.

"He said I should stay away from Nicola, that I should stop giving Nicola hassle or 'I will give you hassle'.

"He told me to meet him at the Peter Pan play park."

Mr Wilkie said that during the phone call, he heard Mr Davidson shouting in the background about killing him. In a later phone call, Mr Wilkie said he heard Mr Davidson shouting about him having an axe.

The court heard that an acquaintance told Mr Wilkie to report the alleged abuse to police. He told Ms Edwards that he didn't do that.

When the advocate depute asked why he didn't phone the police, he said: "I was worried that it would have made it worse."

Mr Davidson's advocate Jonathan Crowe told Mr Wilkie during cross examination that his client didn't shout any abuse about having an axe during the phone calls.

Mr Wilkie then said: "It was either him or Steven who said that. It was definitely one of them who said that."

At the start of proceedings on Monday, the jury of eight women and seven men heard the contents of a legal document detailing the charges facing the three accused.

Prosecutors claim that between June 6 2018 and June 7 2018, Mr Dickie, Mr Davidson and Ms Glass arranged to meet Mr Donaldson, 27, at the Peter Pan Play Park in Kirriemuir and assaulted him there by repeatedly striking him "unknown weapons".

It's alleged that Mr Donaldson was then "incapacitated" - the trio are then alleged to have taken Mr Donaldson to the Loch of Kinnordy nature reserve car park.

Once at the park, the Crown claims that Mr Donaldson was struck on the head and body with a knife, a baseball bat or similar instruments.

The trio are then alleged to have struck Mr Donaldson on the head and neck with an "unknown heavy bladed instrument".

They are then alleged to have set fire to Mr Donaldson and to his car.

Mr Dickie and Mr Davidson also face a number of other charges including assaults and behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

One of those charges alleges that between February and May 2017, at Main Street, Lochore, Fife, they put a kitten in a bag and swung the bag and punched and kicked the kitten.

Prosecutors say the kitten belonged to a person called Demi Young.

The trio have pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The trial, before judge Lord Pentland, continues.