LISTEN: Kenny MacAskill stands by decision to release Lockerbie bomber

Scotland's former Justice Secretary has said families of the Lockerbie bombing victims don't need another trial, they need a new investigation.

Published 26th May 2016

Scotland's former Justice Secretary has said families of the Lockerbie bombing victims don't need another trial, they need a new investigation.

It's just one of the claims in Kenny MacAskill's new book called "The Lockerbie Bombing: The Search For Justice," which is out today. (Thursday 26th May.)

Among other claimes, MacAskill says the Scottish Government tried to secure more powers for Holyrood as part of a deal with Libya to release the Lockerbie bomber.

There's also been the claims that it was tied to a lucrative oil deal which the then home secretary Jack Straw said would fall through.

But perhaps the most significant detail to come out of the book is the admission that Abdel basset al Megrahi's conviction for the 1988 attrocity was "unsafe."

Kenny MacAskill spoke to our Political Correspondent Alan Smith with more about his book...