LISTEN: Dundee woman who cares for disabled daughter has 1 break in 10 years

Alexandra McMunro's daughter Margaret is 28 and has Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.

Published 16th May 2016

A Dundee woman who looks after her profoundly disabled adult daughter full-time is calling for medical professionals to listen more to parents and carers of people with severe learning disabilities.

Alexandra McMunro's daughter Margaret is 28 and has Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities which means she cannot communicate easily and has a number of serious health problems. She has to be fed through a tube because of various digestive problems and recently had surgery to remove her hips.

Mum Alexandra has only had one weekend away in the past 10 years because she constantly has to care for her daughter. She had used a respite service in the past but decided to stop after Margaret had to be admitted to Ninewells Hospital after a staff member gave her some Chinese food.

She says Margaret has also had a number of misdiagnoses because she cannot communicate with doctors and medical professionals often don't take her experiences as Margaret's mum into consideration.

She's been talking to our reporter Lizzie Parker: