Lib Dems: It's A Bad Night For Us

The Liberal Democrats face losing dozens of Commons seats on a ``bad night'' for Nick Clegg's party.

Published 8th May 2015

The Liberal Democrats face losing dozens of Commons seats on a bad night'' for Nick Clegg's party.

The loss of so many MPs would heap pressure on Nick Clegg's leadership, with high profile names including Cabinet minister Danny Alexander looking set to lose their seats as votes swung to the Tories in England and the SNP in Scotland.

Veteran Lib Dem John Thurso appeared to accept that he, Mr Alexander and former leader Charles Kennedy were going to become electoral casualties in Scotland.

Mr Thurso, who hosted Mr Clegg on the final stage of the leader's marathon Land's End to John O'Groats election tour, said: It looks like we're all ex-MPs and I can look forward to more gardening.

I don't think anyone will be ordering a case of Champagne in the other seats.''

He was speaking in Dingwall, where his Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross seat was being counted along with Mr Alexander's Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey and Mr Kennedy's Ross, Skye and Lochaber constituencies.