Liam Fee's mother "only guilty of failing to seek medical help", according to lawyer

The trial at the High Court in Livingston is in its closing stages

Published 26th May 2016

A mother's failure to get help for her injured two-year-old does not make her a murderer, a court has heard.

Rachel Fee or Trelfa, 31, is accused along with her civil partner Nyomi Fee, 29, of a fatal assault on toddler Liam Fee, who died at a house in Fife on March 22, 2014.

The pair claim another boy, who cannot be identified, was responsible for his injuries.

Trelfa's lawyer told the trial at the High Court in Livingston that she had no motive'' for attacking her son and was guilty only of theunforgivable crime'' of failing to seek medical aid for Liam for a suspected broken leg in the days before his death.

Brian McConnachie QC said: By failing to get medical help, his mother Rachel Fee committed an unforgivable crime and in due course she will be rightly and justly punished for that.

That does not make her a murderer.

Tragedy is an overused word in this court but the death of Liam Fee is a real, genuine tragedy.''

He told the jury: Do not compound that tragedy by convicting Rachel Fee of the murder of her son when there's not a shred of evidence to support that contention.

The Crown case is one of illusion, of smoke and mirrors.''