Hidden education costs impacting on poorest families

Published 29th Oct 2018

Hidden costs in the education system are impacting on Scotland's poorest families, according to a new report. The University of Stirling study indicated families living in poverty are struggling to pay for the day-to-day cost of school.

The report also suggests inclusion in the education system privileges those who are better off, rather than preventing and mitigating poverty.

Payments for school trips and school uniforms were cited as key concerns for families on low incomes.

The Scottish Government has said it plans to spend £750 million between 2016 and 2021 tackle the impact of poverty on education in schools.

School trips are subsidised for those on out-of-work benefits, however there is no subsidy for those receiving at-work benefits - unless provided by the Parent Council or Parent/Teacher Association.

School uniform costs are eligible to be covered through clothing grants (SCG), however analysis suggested it is a constant feature of life for low-income families in work who are not entitled to the grants.

It is a similar concern for those living in out-of-work poverty and receiving a grant as it does not cover the full cost of a school uniform - estimated at £129.50.

The study indicated working families on low incomes with children who are not entitled to free school meals also struggle to pay for school lunches, while those in receipt of free school meals feel stigmatised.

Dr Morag Treanor, the author of the report, argues that although progress has been made in tackling poverty in education, there are still challenges facing the provisions put in place.

She said: There is much that has been done to facilitate poorer children's participation in school-related activities; however, there is more that can be done.

Research shows that children are acutely aware of the deprivations they experience in relation to school.

The research shows that parents are also aware of children's school-related privations and do their best to prevent and mitigate the negative impacts.''

The report recommended local authorities impose a maximum limit for the cost of school trips, issue guidance to schools encouraging them to allow more time for paying for activities and use pupil equity funds to ensure inclusion of all pupils in school trips and activities.

It also suggests teachers be offered continuing professional development on the nature, causes and consequences of poverty and called for the practice of withholding clothing grants from pupils on an Educational Maintenance Allowance to be stopped.

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: We believe that all children and young people should be able to make the most of the educational opportunities available to them, regardless of their background or their families financial circumstances, and have introduced a number of measures including free school meals for all infant pupils and a national minimum school clothing grant of £100.

We do not support withholding grants from those receiving Educational Maintenance Allowance.

Our aim is to eradicate child poverty by 2030, but UK Government austerity, which will see annual welfare spending cut by £3.7 billion in Scotland in 2020-21 and the chaotic roll-out of Universal Credit, has had a devastating impact on families across Scotland.

We expect to spend over £125 million in 2018-19 on welfare mitigation and measures to help protect those on low incomes - over £20 million more than in the previous year.''

Scottish Labour's Education spokesman Iain Gray MSP said: Wealth should not be a barrier to education and that is why this research is particularly troubling.

School uniforms and trips can be costly and it is important that grants are regularly reviewed to ensure they are sufficient.

But it is also clear that much more needs to be done to tackle the root causes of poverty.

Labour would use the powers of the Scottish Parliament to top-up child benefit by £5 per week, and stop the cuts to local services to build a society that works for the many not the few.''

The Scottish Greens' education spokesperson, Ross Greer MSP said: This valuable report is unfortunately of no surprise to those working in Scottish education.

Much of it confirms the conclusions in the report that Greens delivered to the Scottish Government, outlining how in some instances parents are being forced to choose between feeding their children and buying them the clothing and equipment required for their education.''