Heroic Dundee residents remove burning childs buggy from close

The pushchair was deliberately set on fire and left in Dura Street block.

The 14 year old was taken to hospital in Glasgow with serious injuries
Published 22nd Jan 2018

Dundee residents have been praised by Police Scotland for removing a child's buggy that was on fire in a close on Dura Street.

The child's pushchair was deliberately set a light between 6.30pm and 7.10pm on Sunday, 21 January.

The buggy was dragged out of the building but not before it had caused considerable damage.

Police Scotland have described this as an "astonishingly reckless act".

A spokesperson said: "Not only is it particularly low to destroy a child's pushchair, but the potential danger posed to the residents of the close was near unthinkable".

Police have urged anyone with information to contact 101 or if you wish to remain anonymous you can contact Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.