Hepatitis infected man jailed after smearing blood on cop in Perth

Scott Townsley told cops he "had the virus" and "was going to infect them all" when he launched the attack at the Wickes store in Perth's St Catherines Retail Park.

Published 22nd Jun 2016

A hepatitis suffering thug who deliberately wiped blood on the face of a police officer then spat on a prosecutor when he appeared in court has been jailed for five years.

Scott Townsley told cops he "had the virus" and "was going to infect them all" when he launched the attack at the Wickes store in Perth's St Catherines Retail Park.

Townsley wiped blood on the face of one cop and scratched another - causing him to require repeated blood tests to check for infection, the results of which are still not known.

When he appeared in court the next day he spat at the procurator fiscal depute who had asked for Townsley to be remanded in custody.

He spat more than ten feet across courtroom four at Perth Sheriff Court, bringing proceedings to a halt and closing the courtroom until it underwent a deep clean.

More significantly, the female prosecutor involved, the mum of a young child, was left with an anxious wait to see if she had been infected.

Fiscal depute Saima Rasheed told Dundee Sheriff Court: "On March 20 the accused entered the Wickes store in Perth, where bail conditions were in place for him not to enter the store. Staff contacted police who attended and he became aggressive. Due to his aggressive behaviour he was restrained to the ground whereby he was injured.”

“An ambulance was requested and an officer attempted to administer first aid but the accused remained aggressive. While on the floor the accused wiped his hand on the back of his head causing it to be covered in blood. He was warned to keep still and keep his hands away from police but deliberately wiped his hand on the face of one officer causing blood to be transferred to said officer. Accused was helped to his feet and escorted to a police van where he continued his aggressive behaviour. While being held he assaulted another officer by scratching his left arm with his fingernails, opening up the skin and causing it to bleed.”

“Due to the accused being a carrier of Hepatitis C the officer was conveyed to Perth Royal Infirmary who took blood tests and prescribed a weeks worth of anti viral medication to combat the effects of blood borne viruses. He required blood tests six weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks after exposure and is still undergoing these tests so has not had any results back. The accused also purposely spat at another officer, striking her on the face with some entering her mouth. He stated he had 'the virus' and was going to infect them all.”

"The accused was held in custody to appear at Perth Sheriff Court the next day. The procurator fiscal depute, Rebecca Kynaston, opposed bail and the accused began to mutter under his breath. The sheriff decided to remand the accused in custody and as the clerk read this to the accused he purposely brought saliva into his mouth and spat at Miss Kynaston, saliva landing on her desk, monitor and in her hair. She had blood taken afterwards which came back negative for infection, though she will require another test after six months."

Townsley, 40, a prisoner at HMP Perth, pleaded guilty on indictment to one charge of breaching bail and four of assault committed on March 20 and 21.

Sheriff Alastair Brown jailed Townsley for two-and-a-half years for the assaults on the police officers, and a further two-and-a-half years for the attack on the prosecutor to be served consecutively.

He said: "Assaults involving bodily fluids of any kind are disgusting. They involve a great deal of anxiety for the victim and it is clear from your comments that you intended to cause that. Anyone who assaults anyone else engaged in a public duty can expect to go to jail."