GlaxoSmithKline to invest hundreds of millions into Montrose plant

Montrose is set to see new jobs created after pharmaceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline announced hundreds of millions of pounds of new funding.

Published 27th Jul 2016

Montrose is set to see new jobs created after pharmaceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline announced hundreds of millions of pounds of new funding.

GlaxoSmithKline has brushed aside Brexit jitters and announced that it is pumping £275 million into its three UK manufacturing sites, dubbing the UK an "attractive location''.

The investment will go to sites at Barnard Castle, Durham, Montrose, Scotland, and Ware in Hertfordshire, and GSK said "new employment opportunities'' are expected to be created as a result.

Chief executive Andrew Witty said that the UK's "competitive corporate tax system'' and skilled workforce helped the pharmaceutical giant come to its decision.

Mr Witty, who backed the Remain campaign during the referendum, said: "Today's announcement reflects further investment to support our pharmaceutical pipeline and meet growing demand for our innovative portfolio of newly launched products.

It is testament to our skilled UK workforce and the country's leading position in life sciences that we are making these investments in advanced manufacturing here. From their manufacture in the UK, many of these medicines will be sent to patients around the world.''

Local MP Mike Weir told Tay News: "This is fantastic news for Montrose. This is a very substantial investment and it shows how highly the facility and, indeed, the workforce are regarded.

"Obviously, it makes sure the existing 450 jobs are safe but it also means there are possibly new jobs both in the construction facility and possibly more going into the future."

Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark said: An investment of this scale is a clear vote of confidence in Britain and underlines our position as a global business leader.

GSK's recognition of our skilled workforce, world leading scientific capabilities and competitive tax environment is further proof that there really is no place better in Europe to grow a business.''