Our future is brighter inside EU, insists Labour

Labour has accused Leave campaigners of peddling "toxic" slogans based on "fear and division" to scare people into voting for Brexit.

Published 27th May 2016

Labour has accused Leave campaigners of peddling "toxic" slogans based on "fear and division" to scare people into voting for Brexit.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale and Labour In for Britain chairman Alan Johnson are campaigning in Glasgow to convince people in Scotland that "their future is brighter inside the EU".

Ms Dugdale said: "On June 23, I believe the people of Scotland, and people all across the UK, will embrace the politics of hope and reject the politics of fear by opting to stay in the EU.

"This is one of the biggest questions our country will ever face. We should all rise to the challenge.

"Instead, the toxic rhetoric of certain Leave campaigners does a disservice to themselves and to us all.

"That rhetoric, fear and division will simply drive more people to the conclusion that our future is brighter in the EU.

"There are less than four weeks left and Labour will be proudly making the case that a vote to Remain is best for workers' rights and opportunities for our young people."

Mr Johnson said: "This campaign will affect every person, every family and every business in Britain.

"We are not naive, we know that the simplistic slogans of Brexit may seem appealing, but on the economy, on workers' rights, and on every other major issue, the Leave campaign have no credible answers and no experts who agree with them.

"This campaign will see our Labour family at its very best - working together to fight for workers' rights, new jobs and protection for every family.

"That is the positive case to Remain, and it is the case we will make in the final month."