First Minister sends congratulations message to Trump

Nicola Sturgeon's letter says she hopes ties with Scotland can be strengthened

Published 14th Nov 2016

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has written to Donald Trump to congratulate him on being elected the next US president.

In her letter, Ms Sturgeon said that the US is one of Scotland's "most valued partners'' and that she hopes ties between the two countries can be strengthened in the years ahead.

She said that the two nations share "fundamental values of equality, tolerance, diversity and human rights for all, regardless of race, faith, gender or sexual orientation'' and that she hopes these will flourish during his presidency.

The move comes just days after the SNP leader said she found many of Mr Trump's campaign comments ''deeply abhorrent''.

Speaking at First Minister's Questions at Holyrood, Ms Sturgeon vowed ''not to maintain a diplomatic silence'' in the face of racism or intolerance.

She had made her support for Hillary Clinton clear, and will also write to the defeated Democrat, praising her candidacy.

In her letter to the president-elect, Ms Sturgeon said: "I am writing to convey my congratulations on your election as the 45th President of the United States of America.

"As you know from your family ties, the USA was shaped by some of Scotland's finest thinkers, and many people of Scottish descent contributed to the transformation of your country into the global power it is today.

"These bonds of family and friendship, and our close economic ties, mean that the USA is one of Scotland's most valued partners, as well as our most important international export market and source of inward investment. I hope that these ties can be strengthened in the years ahead.

"As you acknowledged in your victory speech, the election campaign was a divisive one. I was therefore encouraged to hear you pledge to be a president for all of America, and to seek to work with others to unify your country.

"Our nations share fundamental values of equality, tolerance, diversity and human rights for all, regardless of race, faith, gender or sexual orientation, and I hope we will see these values flourish during your presidency.

"On that basis, I wish you success as you prepare to take on the responsibilities of office, and in the years ahead.''

The First Minister, who last year stripped Mr Trump of his role as a business ambassador for Scotland, has faced questions over how her criticism of the president-elect could impact on Scotland following his election victory.

Echoing comments made by German chancellor Angela Merkel, she has said she will engage "positively and constructively'' with Mr Trump but will not shy away from "standing up'' for the principles of tolerance and diversity.