Fall In Tayside Drink Driving Offences

The number of people caught drink driving during December is down 36% compared to last year

Published 15th Jan 2015

The number of people caught drink driving in Tayside during the festive period's fallen by more than a third.

16 people fell foul of the new lower limit during December.

That's compared to 25 during the same period in 2013.

Inspector Brian Poole, head of Tayside Divisional Road Policing Unit said:

"The reduction in the number of people drink-driving is welcomed and it appears that the introduction of the lower limit has refreshed, if not increased, awareness amongst the majority of the driving population that it is simply not worth taking the risk.

"Having said that, there are still too many people choosing to ignore the advice and get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.

"In doing so, they are not only risking their own lives but also the lives of others within our communities.

"This initiative has concluded, however our efforts in this area will continue and our message remains the same - don't risk it, don't take any alcohol before you get behind the wheel and it will help you help us keep people safe."