EXCLUSIVE: 100 cars and HGV's still crossing Forth Road Bridge every day

Bauer (C)
Author: Hope WebbPublished 16th Apr 2018

Tay News exclusively reveal more than 100 vehicles are wrongly crossing the Forth Road Bridge every single day - despite it being open to only public transport.

The figures, from Transport Scotland, show 14% of all vehicles making the journey each day are "non-compliant" cars or HGV's.

Traffic made the switch to the Queensferry Crossing in September 2017 after it was opened as a replacement bridge. The Forth Road Bridge was then transformed in to a public transport corridor.

Tim Shallcroft, from road safety group IAM Roadsmart, says it is dangerous behaviour: "It's not only a public transport corridor it is opened up to pedestrians and cyclists. That means there will be a much greater presence of much more vulnerable road users on the bridge. As responsible drivers we must use the road that is dedicated for us."

Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton says fining drivers is the best way to take action: "We're now over six months in to the Queensferry Crossing and it's wrong for Transport Scotland to suggest this is just about teething problems or people not understanding the new layout. This is clearly people rat-running, wanting to avoid queues and get in and out of Edinburgh faster.

"I think Transport Scotland need to act on the many suggestions for improving journey time over the Queensferry Crossing in terms of reducing bottle-necks, but they also need to get tough on people flaunting the rules and crossing the (Forth Road) Bridge."

Tim Shallcroft, from road safety group IAM Roadsmart, agrees: "If you know it is going to cost you a substantial amount for taking the marginally shorter route, or avoiding traffic, if that's the only reason then a fine is the best deterrent. But that's providing the signs are completely clear."

A statement from Police Scotland says the force has no current plans to introduce penalties to drivers caught using the Forth Road Bridge.

A Transport Scotland spokesman said: “The new public transport corridor is still in its relatively early stages. We are however taking every opportunity to remind road users of the rules that are now in force and communicating via Traffic Scotland channels as well as working with partners to ensure drivers are made aware and comfortable with the new layout.

“Going forward we will continue to work alongside Amey, Police Scotland and Traffic Scotland to keep driver behaviour under review and take necessary action if required. However we are confident the vast majority of road users are getting to grips with the new system and that we’ll continue to see an improvement in the weeks ahead.”