Economy Secretary announced £1 million scheme to help youngsters who've been in care find work

A £1 million project to help young people who have been in care find work or training has been announced by the Scottish Government.

Published 18th Mar 2017
Last updated 18th Mar 2017

A £1 million project to help young people who have been in care find work or training has been announced by the Scottish Government.

Economy Secretary Keith Brown revealed details of the scheme, which aims to help 270 people aged between 16 and 29 over the course of a year, to the SNP spring conference in Aberdeen.

Mr Brown told delegates the Care Experienced Employability Programme is the "fulfilment of a manifesto pledge''.

He said: "This innovative programme is a new approach to helping the young people who face the biggest barriers in our society.

"It will provide wrap-around support for young people who have been looked after at home, and who are recognised as having the most significant challenges to accessing education and skills training opportunities.

"This follows on from the First Minister's announcement last October of an independent root-and-branch review of the care system in Scotland. This supports our commitment to the young people of Scotland that their needs will be central to how we reform the care system.

"Recent data shows that we have made significant progress in tackling youth unemployment and Scotland currently has the second lowest youth unemployment rate in Europe, after Germany, with levels at the lowest rate since records began.

"By supporting more young care leavers to access employment, training and education opportunities and close the attainment gap with their peers, we are sending a clear signal that we are determined to go further. We have set an ambitious target of achieving a 55% progression rate for the programme in year one to ensure this is delivered.''