Dundee woman raises money for cuddle cot in memory of stillborn son

A young Dundee woman is raising money for a special temperature controlled cot after going through the heartbreak of losing her son.

Published 10th May 2016

A young Dundee woman is raising money for a special temperature controlled cot after going through the heartbreak of losing her son.

22-year-old Rachael Clark gave birth to her stillborn son Trey at 31 weeks just hours after feeling ill during her pregnancy. He had to be taken away shortly after the birth because his body started to deterioriate but Racheal wishes she could have spent more time with him.

She started an online fundraiser to raise the money for a special "cuddle cot" which preserves the baby's body for longer allowing grieving parents to spend more time with them. Her hope is that no other parent will have to ask for their child to be taken away as she did.

She says she's been overwhelmed with the support she's received across the city and is now hoping they will be able to raise enough for two cots. They will be housed at James Ashton and Son funeral directors and named in memorial of little Trey.

Rachael has been talking to our reporter Lizzie Parker about her experiences: