Dundee salon helping people cope with hair loss through wig service

Karen Ward styles and fits wigs for people with cancer and alopecia as well as hosting a support group people at her salon

Dundee hair bank
Author: Callum ClarkPublished 28th Jun 2019

A Dundee hairdresser is supporting people who are dealing with hair loss by providing them with styled wigs.

Karen Ward's salon has a hair bank which helps cancer patients and those suffering from alopecia.

It also hosts a support group for those with the condition, Karen said it's a cause close to her heart.

"My mum had alopecia since the age of 27, right until she passed away at 59," she said.

"I've always been around wigs and seen the affect the difference it can make to someone who doesn't have any hair."

The service has handed out dozens of wigs since it was launched in November last year, such as Kate Johnston who started losing her during pregnancy.

"I developed alopecia when I was 29-years-old," she said.

"It's devastating, it doesn't matter how long you've had alopecia for.

"If you get a little bit of regrowth your hopes are built it that your hair's growing back and then if it starts falling out again your back down to rock bottom."

Kate attends a support group for people with alopecia at Bladez hair and beauty salon.

"For some people it's the only time that they feel confident to take their wig off.

"The support that you get from people who know exactly what you're going through is just the best thing."