Dundee plumber behind bars after choking pregnant partner

Published 25th Jul 2018

A Dundee plumber who choked his pregnant girlfriend twenty times during a brutally violent attack is behind bars.

Craig Mitchell strangled his partner – who was then 20 weeks pregnant with his child - over and over again as she lay helpless in the living room of a flat in Dundee.

When she began to struggle for breath he would release his grip - only to choke her again when she managed to take in air.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard the horror attack lasted around 20 minutes before the woman managed to escape to the bathroom and call for help.

When police arrived they found Mitchell asleep on a mattress on the living room floor.

He denied any knowledge of the attack when cops woke him up.

Shameless Mitchell asked to be released from custody ahead of his sentencing date - standing up in court claiming he wanted to help his girlfriend prepare for the birth of the child.

Fiscal depute Eilidh Robertson told the court he had twice been convicted before of domestic offences towards her - as well as a further domestic conviction relating to another ex.

Miss Robertson said: "Around 3.30am the accused arrived at the address and appeared to be under the influence of some substance.

"He accused the complainer of being unfaithful and demanded to know who the other man was.

"He grabbed her face and squeezed it while shouting and accusing her.

"He dragged her by the hair then straddled her with his knees over her shoulders.

"The complainer said she was really frightened because he was a lot stronger than her.

"He grabbed her by the throat and squeezed it, restricting her breathing.

"When struggling for breath he would release then grab her again.

"The accused also put his hand over her mouth.

"He did this around 20 times over 20 minutes or so.

"She lay limp with her head to one side before managing to make her way to the bathroom where she called a friend and whispered for her to call the police.

"When police arrived the complainer was found crying and shaking."

Mitchell, 26, pleaded guilty on indictment to a charge of assault to injury committed on May 10 this year in Dundee, aggravated by involving the abuse of his partner.

Defence solicitor Gary McIlravey said: "He understands that due to the nature of the offences custody will be at the forefront of the court's mind.

"Despite the nature of the offence and the fact he has spent some time in custody the relationship has been ongoing.

"I'm asked to move for bail."

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael deferred sentence until next month for social work background reports and remanded Mitchell in custody meantime.

He said: "Given what you have pleaded guilty to there's no way I'm releasing you on bail in to her company for her own safety."