Dundee Penguins Mark Cold Homes Week

Published 2nd Feb 2015

Now - Dundee's city centre penguins are helping mark Cold Homes Week. They're sporting cosy scarves to raise awareness of those facing the choice of heating and eating as it's claimed around a third of the city's homes now living in fuel poverty. Callum Milne's the managing director of Sustainable Energy Scotland and says cold homes can have tragic consequences...

Callum Milne said: “Dressing up penguins may look like a bit of fun but, as temperatures once again drop across the city, we are eager to highlight the very real problem facing hundreds of people across Dundee and beyond. “Around 33% of Dundee households are now suffering from fuel poverty, and one in five families throughout the UK have to make the unbelievable choice between eating or heating which is simply unacceptable.”