Dundee Literary Festival gears up for 2016

The Festival starts on Wednesday, October 19, featuring an A-list actor.

Published 15th Sep 2016

The Dundee Literary Festival 2016 is celebrating its 10th birthday in style, pulling in an A-list actor, internationally acclaimed songwriter and a party fit for The Broons and Oor Wullie.

The event kicks off on October 19 and runs until October 23, with additional events on 24th September and 25th November.

The winner of the coveted 2016 Dundee International Book Prize will also be revealed at the event.

Critically acclaimed writers who will be appearing include James Kelman, Don Paterson and Jenni Fagan. Former Makar Liz Lochhead will be joined by saxophonist Steve Kettley for a spellbinding performance. There will also be a tea dance at the Bonar Hall to celebrate 80 years of The Broons and Oor Wullie.

X-Men and Goldeneye star Alan Cumming will also be making an appearance to talk about his new memoir, You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams, on the 25th of November at the Whitehall Theatre.

Programme manager, Peggy Hughes, said: "This year we really wanted to celebrate ten years at the heart of our City of Discovery, by bringing fantastic writers and their stories to Dundee.

"This is our most international programme to date with authors this year from Portugal, Cameroon, South Korea and Ireland, as well as fantastic new voices and ideas from the University and its creative writing programme.

"We can’t wait to welcome everyone – writers and readers – to our 10th birthday party, to celebrate the magic of books.”