Dundee ex-teacher jailed for child abuse images

A ex-teacher was found with a stash of child porn images after he gave his computer to a technician when it got a virus, was today jailed.

Published 9th Mar 2016

A ex-teacher was found with a stash of child porn images after he gave his computer to a technician when it got a virus, was today jailed.

Robert Lightband - who was previously a senior history teacher at Dundee's Menzieshill High School - avoided a jail term in 2002 when he was found with a folder filled with nude images of young boys.

But now Lightband - who advertises himself online as a semi-retired organist, organ consultant and organ teacher - faces prison after he was caught downloading indecent images over the course of a nine-month period in 2014 and 2015.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard he had downloaded six indecent images and 2000 "concerning images" over that time frame.

Lightband's lawyer told the court the 69-year-old admits he is "sexually attracted to boys" and that treatment may not help him.

Fiscal depute Eilidh Robertson said Lightband - who is also listed online as an "organ adviser" for the Church of Scotland - had one previous conviction, his earlier child porn offence.

She said: "Search terms were found by the technician relating to paedophile groups.

"Police were called and when interviewed Lightband fully admitted downloading the images.

"He also admitted purchasing a pornographic paedophilic novel.

"He said he was attraced to boys aged 12 years and up.

"Six indecent images were found as well as 2000 concerning images featuring boys in swimming costumes and shorts.

"His internet search history consisted of him searching for indecent images including 'kids erect penises' and 'teen boy blowjobs'."

Lightband, 69, of Dundee, pleaded guilty on indictment to a charge of taking or making indecent photographs of children between June 16 2014 and February 25 2015.

John Boyle, defending, said: "He is honest enough to admit these offences are committed due to a sexual interest in young boys and that treatment is unlikely to change that.

"There are stringent conditions that could be imposed on him in the community."

Sheriff Alistair Carmichael jailed Lightband for 145 days, imposed a seven-year sexual offences prevention order with numerous conditions and placed Lightband on the sex offender's register for seven years.

He said: "It seems to me there would be little or no point in imposing a community payback order due to the attitude you have expressed.

"There is no option but a custodial sentence."

Lightband was sacked from Menzieshill High School and his civic role as Dundee's official organist after his previous stash came to light in 2002.

The photos were discovered by a cleaner who stumbled on the folder on a bedroom dresser as she worked.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard she found a folder containing between 80-90 indecent images, mainly of boys aged 12 to 14.

Fiscal Keith O'Mahony said the cleaner was so disturbed she told her husband and they contacted the police.

When officers searched his house, Lightband denied all knowledge of the snaps.

But he eventually directed them to a cupboard where the folder was found.