Dundee Bar Workers 'Ignore' Attack In Pub

A sheriff called for a pub to be shut down - after CCTV footage showed bar staff walking around a man who had been brutally attacked and left seriously hurt on the floor instead of helping him.

Published 20th Jan 2016

A sheriff called for a pub to be shut down - after CCTV footage showed bar staff walking around a man who had been brutally attacked and left seriously hurt on the floor instead of helping him.

Brian Borland had gone out for a birthday drink - and ended up viciously attacking his former brother-in-law and leaving him horrifically injured on the floor of the Windsor Bar in Dundee's Albert Road.

Borland snapped after his victim, Thomas Montgomery, had wound him up about his ex-wife.

CCTV footage showed Borland suddenly stand up and rip off his jacket before launching a vicious attack.

He first punched Mr Montgomery to the ground before turning his attention on his drinking companion, punching him to the floor.

As Mr Montgomery lay stunned and barely moving on the floor, Borland returned to land repeated punches on his head before stamping on his head.

The sickening attack then continued as he again hit the other man who was trying to get back to his feet.

The video then shows Borland leave the bar, leaving both men flat on their backs.

Fiscal depute Nicola Gillespie told Dundee Sheriff Court that staff at the pub didn't call police or an ambulance.

The film then shows a barmaid walking round Mr Montgomery as he lay prone on the floor without rendering any assistance at all.

A sheriff said: "This place should be closed down - it seems remarkable no-one comes to his aid."

Miss Gillespie said: "The complainers then leave the bar and get into a taxi.

"The driver is so concerned by their presentation that he contacts police and an ambulance.

"Mr Montgomery is taken to Ninewells Hospital by ambulance and was found to have three facial fractures.

"He continues to suffer as a result of this attack, with numbness and pain to his lip in particular.

"There are continuing difficulties with his help."

Borland, 52, a prisoner at HMP Perth, pleaded guilty on indictment to a charge of assault to severe injury committed on October 14 last year.

Paul Parker Smith, defending, said: "This happened on his birthday - he had gone for a drink with his friend and was in good humour.

"Mr Montgomery is not someone he would wish to be in the company of.

"He engaged Mr Borland in conversation and that resulted in Mr Montgomery saying something that was a form of threat.

"The constant sniping over a period of time resulted in him just completely losing his temper."

Sheriff George Way deferred sentence until next month for social work background reports and remanded Borland in custody meantime.

He said: "With an outburst of this nature and having seen the severity of it without any question there will be a custodial sentence here.

"They were both down and out and he continued to viciously attack them."