Driver clocked at double the 40mph speed limit on notorious Fife road

The sports car was recorded doing 88mph on Friday

Published 30th Oct 2018
Last updated 30th Oct 2018

The driver of a sports car has been recorded going at more than double the speed limit on a stretch of road in Fife with a history of accidents.

It happened on the A92 near Balfarg, heading southbound towards Glenrothes on Firday October 26, when the car was detected travelling at 88mph in a 40mph zone.

It's the same part of the road where 9-year-old Logan Carrie died after being struck by a car in 2015.

Fife Road Policing Inspector, Andy Mather, said: “There is no excuse for driving at 88mph in a 40mph limit.

"Drivers have a responsibility to ensure they are complying with the speed limit at all times. There is sufficient signage on this road to clearly indicate a 40mph limit applies.

"Police Scotland continually operates a robust policy in respect of drivers who choose to exceed the speed limit.”

East Safety Camera Unit Manager, Andy Jones, stated: “This is totally unacceptable and reckless conduct – this motorist has shown a complete disregard for their own and others safety.

"I am especially frustrated given the history of this road and am left baffled how anybody could travel at 88mph here and not expect repercussions. In this case, the driver will be hearing from us very soon and will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.”