Crackdown On Anti-Social Behaviour And Violence In Tayside

Published 18th Sep 2015

Police across Tayside are cracking down on assaults - after 1817 were reported over the first four months this year.

That is an increase on 1550 recorded for the same period between 1 April and 27 July 2014.

Now Operation Quest will focus on reducing the impact of violence and antisocial behaviour. Its main priority will be to reduce the number of people who become the victims of assault. Superintendent Graeme Murdoch says the message is clear:

Superintendent Murdoch said: “Assaults in particular are a key priority for the Division.

“We are disappointed that more assaults have been reported to us than at the same time last year but we are determined to halt this trend. Every assault can have significant consequences and every one has a victim.

“Victims have to deal with the physical injuries which can often be permanent and in some cases life-changing. The fact is that even one punch can easily inflict serious injury. For many it can also cause mental trauma and lasting anxiety.”

“Currently we charge someone in 83% of reported assaults. That number goes up to 95% for serious assaults. Those are the odds of being identified and charged if you assault someone in Tayside.

“After that there is potential prosecution and the prospect of financial penalty or in some cases imprisonment. Longer-term consequences may also be an impact on existing or future employment.“ “We urge people to stop and think before lifting their fists or a weapon to anyone. Think about the consequences and walk away."