Climate campaigners deliver manifesto for change

Environmental campaigners are set to deliver their manifesto to Holyrood's political parties, calling on Scotland to play its part in tackling climate change.

Published 29th Jan 2016

Environmental campaigners are set to deliver their manifesto to Holyrood's political parties, calling on Scotland to play its part in tackling climate change.

Cyclists from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland will ride around Edinburgh delivering copies to the offices of the Conservatives, Greens, Labour, Liberal Democrats and the SNP.

The group wants commitments set out in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to be met, including targets to reduce emissions by 42% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.

Its manifesto calls on the parties to make energy efficiency of Scotland's homes a National Infrastructure Project, deliver a Warm Homes Act, build a low-carbon Scotland through capital investment decisions, and commit to a meaningful shift to public transport and active travel.

It also wants new Air Passenger Duty powers to be used to cut climate emissions, support for climate justice, and a commitment to an ambitious land use strategy action plan''.

Campaigner Jim Densham said: People in this country want change.

Communities across Scotland are coming together to create their own clean energy, to build green transport systems, and to adopt low-carbon lifestyles.

Before the UN climate talks in Paris, thousands of us marched in Edinburgh as part of a global movement for real climate action.

Now is the time for the political parties to match that commitment and enthusiasm.

During the last Scottish Parliament, we repeatedly failed to meet our climate targets. That simply can't continue.''

He added: The policies set out in our manifesto are reasonable and achievable, and will take us towards a new clean, green economy with benefits for all of us.''