Rise in Scots youngsters calling Childline about suicide

The NSPCC say they held nearly 1,100 sessions in 2016/17 - an increase of 17%.

Published 17th Oct 2017

The number of Childline counselling sessions to help children in Scotland deal with suicidal thoughts has risen sharply over the past year.

The NSPCC say they held nearly 1,100 sessions in 2016/17 - an increase of 17%.

The charity's phone service Childline say the increase indicated a rise in demand for its services from young people.

Elaine Chalmers, head of helplines for Childline in Scotland, said: “We must face the painful reality that many young people across Scotland and the UK feel so overwhelmed by their problems they have considered taking their own, precious lives.

“We have never seen figures like these before and they are a blunt wake-up call.''

The figure was released ahead of the publication of the NSPCC's annual review of Childline.

Across the UK, the service saw the highest-ever levels of counselling about suicidal thoughts and feelings, with the number reaching 22,456 for 2016/17, up 15% on the previous year.

Volunteers held 2,061 counselling sessions - a 9% increase - with actively suicidal young people from across the UK, who had taken initial steps to take their own lives, such as writing a note, giving away meaningful items or planning their death.

The review found that suicide is the third most common reason for girls to contact Childline and the fifth most common for boys.

Childline has reported that it only has the resources to assist three out of every four young people who ask for help and has called for more volunteers to come forward.

Childline founder and president Esther Rantzen said: “I would urge members of the public to consider becoming a Childline volunteer.

“Anyone who can lend a few hours to this vital service could end up saving a child's life.'