Celebrating sea eagles in Fife

People in Tayport are being encouraged to celebrate wildlife on their doorsteps.

Published 26th Aug 2016

RSPB Scotland’s joining with the town’s community trust to showcase Fife’s famous pair of white-tailed sea eagles as well as other local wildlife.

Fife is known for the sea eagles, which were released as part of a reintroduction project. They were the first pair to breed successfully in the East of Scotland for over 200 years in 2013 and have fledged a single chick each year since.

The reintroduction project took place in Fife from 2007 – 2012 and is a partnership between RSPB Scotland, Forest Enterprise Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Lauren Shannon, community engagement officer for RSPB Scotland said: “This is a great chance for local people to come along and find out how the sea eagles are doing in East Scotland and to celebrate having them back in our skies.”

“There will be various activities for families to get involved in and we’ll be on the lookout with telescopes for any eagle fly bys! We’ll also be joined by stalls from Forest Enterprise Scotland and the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust. ”

Richard Tough, spokesperson for the Tayport Community Trust said: “We’re delighted to co-host this fantastic event and it will be great to hear about how our white-tailed sea eagles are doing.”

“Along with all the activities, there will also be an opportunity for us to update you on the progress of the Tayport community projects, especially the Community Hub and Campsite.”

The event will take place on the Common, down by Tayport promenade from 1 – 4 pm.