Campaign vows to crackdown on vandals causing chaos in West Fife

A new campaign’s promising to crackdown on vandals causing chaos in West Fife.

Police Scotland
Published 17th Apr 2017

A new campaign’s promising to crackdown on vandals causing chaos in West Fife.

Police Scotland, Fife Council and the Central Fife Crime Prevention Panel have joined forces to highlight the negative effects that vandalism has on our communities.

There’ll be extra patrols out on the streets over the next month or so and there will also be posters displayed urging those responsible for acts of vandalism to consider the effects of their actions, and the wider public to support the police and council in striving to reduce this type of offending.

The strapline of the long established Central Fife Crime Prevention Panel, “Enjoy Don’t Destroy”, will be the main theme of the campaign which will also be supported by inputs to local schools.

Posters will be distributed to licensed premises and public buildings and Community Police Officers will be highlighting the effect of vandalism on us all.

Police Scotland

Chief Inspector Irene Ralston, Area Commander for West Fife, said: “Vandalism is a form of offending that is hugely disappointing to deal with as it is very often mindless and petty. Communities only ever suffer from vandalism, mostly in the form of a repair bill and the need to clean up afterwards.

“The message from all partners involved in this campaign is very much “Enjoy Don’t Destroy” – look after your community, take responsibility for your actions and help us all to significantly reduce vandalism across West Fife.”

Mark McCall, Service Manager, Fife Council said: ‘Complaints of vandalism come into Fife Council on a regular basis, and range from damage to vehicles and smashed windows to damage to council properties including schools. The damage done often means local residents are unable to enjoy facilities at their full potential and can also leave communities saddened and angry if something they have worked hard to build is destroyed.

“Within the Safer Communities Team we will be working with our partners to support this campaign. Our officers will be promoting the ‘Enjoy Don’t Destroy’ message when out and about, and we will be promoting messages on our social media channels. People feel safe when they live somewhere which looks nice, and we want to work with the people of Fife to help create such environments everywhere.”

Lenny Linton, Chair of the Central Fife Crime Prevention Panel added: “Enjoy Don’t Destroy” has been our motto since we formed 25 years ago and is as relevant today as it was then. I would urge everyone to play their part in helping Police Scotland and Fife Council reduce vandalism across the areas where we live, work and play.”

For more information on the campaign, to report vandalism or to provide information on a vandalism contact Police Scotland on 101 or Fife Council on 03451 55 00 22. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.