Campaign to keep homes safe across Tayside

Operation After Dark teams up police and youth volunteers to give advice and tips to householders.

Published 10th Nov 2016

Police Scotland and some of its Youth Volunteers have teamed up with Community Wardens and local officers across Tayside to keep home owners safe this winter.

Operation After Dark is now in its third year, having launched in 2014.

Patrols in Dundee and surrounding areas have been hitting the streets of areas recently affected by housebreaking, to deliver safety information and a reassuring presence to residents.

Sergeant Ryan Macdonald is north regional coordinator for Police Scotland Youth Volunteers.

He said: "The scheme is about preventative work rather than dealing with the crime afterwards.

"It's a partnership between a number of different departments in Police Scotland but all with the ultimate aim of reducing housebreaking and passing safety information into house owners."