Calls For More Traveller Sites In Scotland

Equality and Human Rights Commission wants councils to develop new sites

Published 18th Jan 2015

Scotland's travelling community is likely to face continued hostility unless there is action to provide it with proper sites, according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The body carried out research into how successfully councils have developed sites after claims some had struggled to secure land or planning permission.

A report on the findings highlighted positive examples but also identified funding as a significant barrier'' for councils, and found that many are uncertain over the extent to which they should be developing accommodation. Alastair Pringle, director of EHRC Scotland, said:Over the last year we have seen once again tension in some parts of Scotland concerning the development of temporary or permanent sites for Gypsy Travellers, either in private or public ownership. This ongoing lack of provision is forcing many Gypsy Travellers into 'pulling in' at the roadside, often in high profile areas and then risking eviction and local hostility.The research shows that with planning and care it is perfectly possible to develop new Gypsy Traveller sites in Scotland.'' In 2014 there were 59 sites in 18 local authority areas in Scotland, according to figures from the Scottish Government. Mr Pringle called for a co-ordinated and coherent approach'' to be set out in the Government's Gypsy Traveller strategy due to be published later this year. He added:Without proper provision the community is likely to continue to face hostility and councils are likely to waste more money on avoidable evictions.''

Phil Brown, professor of social change at the University of Salford, who carried out the research, said: Our research has found that whilst there may be concerns at the start of process from locals living nearby, proper management of the site rarely leads to ongoing concerns.As with most new developments communication between the council, local residents and the Gypsy Traveller community is also key, as is support for local councillors who will be the final decision makers. Taking a strategic rather than ad hoc approach is also recommended as the more transparent the council is the more likely they will have public support.''

Communities Secretary Alex Neil said: The Scottish Government has already strengthened local strategic planning for accommodation in relation to the needs of Gypsy/Travellers, by publishing revised guidance for housing need and demand assessments and local housing strategies.This is to help make sure that the accommodation needs of Gypsy/Travellers are fully taken into account by local authorities as they plan accommodation provision in their area.''