Bill To Ban Irresponsible Parking

A member's Bill aimed at tackling irresponsible parking will be introduced at the Scottish Parliament today.

Published 21st May 2015

A member's Bill aimed at tackling irresponsible parking will be introduced at the Scottish Parliament today.

The legislation, brought forward by SNP MSP Sandra White, would ban double parking and make it an offence to park on footways and dropped kerbs.

The Footway and Double Parking (Scotland) Bill is supported by Guide Dogs Scotland and Living Streets, a charity that works to improve public space for pedestrians.

Stuart Hay, director of Living Streets Scotland, said: Pavement parking is number one complaint here at Living Streets.

Pavements are for pedestrians, not vehicles, and parking on them causes inconvenience and danger.

The time for action is now as existing powers don't work and are seldom used by the police or local authorities.

Sandra White's Bill is a major step forward and must be swiftly adopted if Scotland is serious about boosting walking in our towns and cities.''

Ms White said publication of the Bill represents an important step forward''.

But she added: However, I am disappointed that Scottish Parliament lawyers have ruled that the Bill is outwith its legislative competence - and I will continue to look for a way to take the legislation forward.

The Bill will place restrictions on pavement parking, dropped kerb parking and double parking in order to ensure free movement for pedestrians, especially those with mobility issues or visual impairment.

For the thousands of people affected by irresponsible parking, who cannot get about and lead their daily lives, this Bill will provide legislation which will be enormously important and will make a huge positive difference to them.''

Jane Horsburgh, from Guide Dogs Scotland, said: For the all vulnerable pedestrians who find blocked pavements challenging or dangerous to navigate this legislation has been a long time coming.

The current lack of enforcement means everyday trips to shops and local services can be a nightmare.

As well as enforcement we hope the new law will be backed by a publicity campaign spelling out the consequences of inconsiderate parking.''