£9.8M Saved By Switching Energy Suppliers

Around £9.8 million has been saved by 140,000 households in Scotland in the last six months by changing electricity supplier, according to new figures.

Published 24th Mar 2015

Around £9.8 million has been saved by 140,000 households in Scotland in the last six months by changing electricity supplier, according to new figures.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change launched a campaign last month to encourage people to shop around when it comes to the energy market.

It released data today as part of the Power To Switch campaign, which revealed that 26,000 homes in Edinburgh saved around £1.8 million while 30,000 Glasgow households saved some £2.1 million.

Energy Secretary Ed Davey said: Switching puts money back in people's pockets and, thanks to our reforms, thousands are taking advantage of cheaper deals and a more competitive market.

We want even more people to join the thousands who are switching and saving today.''

Energy Minister Amber Rudd added: With 27 energy companies on the market and some fixed deals £100 cheaper than they were a year ago, there's never been a better time to find a great deal, switch and save.''