12 words you can now find in the dictionary

Thousands of new words and phrases are added to the dictionary every year. Here is a handy guide to some of the latest!

Published 27th Aug 2015

Thousands of new words and phrases are added to the dictionary every year. Here is a handy guide to some of the latest!

1. Bants An informal word for friends playfully mocking each other.

2. Beer O’ Clock The best time of day to start drinking beer

3. Brain Fart A moment where you forget

4. Brexit The word for a hypothetical thought of leaving the UK

5. Bruh American word for male friend

6. Cat Café A café where you can interact with cats. Best thing ever!

7. Cupcakery A shop specialising entirely in cupcakes


8. Fatberg A disgusting lump of sludge stuck in a sewage system. Usually made up of fat and other products.

9. Fur baby Somebody’s dog, cat or other furry pet

10. Grexit The potential of Greece leaving the EU

11. Hangry When somebody is so hungry it makes them angry

12. Pocket Dial Accidently making a phone call with your phone in your pocket. And then exposing that person to the sounds of you walking.

What is the World coming to?