10 year plan for Police Scotland

Chief Constable calls for transformation in how the service is delivered

Published 27th Feb 2017

A public consultation has been launched on the future of policing in Scotland over the next decade.

People are being asked their views on a new draft strategy unveiled by the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland.

"Now, the service must transform to realise and release the full benefits of being a single organisation." - Chief Constable Phil Gormley

Policing 2026 sets out a vision to match strategic priorities laid out by the Scottish Government - prevention, protection, communities, knowledge and innovation.

It aims to reflect the changing demands on policing including shifting patterns of crime driven by new technologies, an ageing population and protecting vulnerable people.

Announcing the consultation in Edinburgh, SPA chairman Andrew Flanagan said: "The SPA and Police Scotland have spent many months assessing the changing nature of communities and their demands on policing as well as analysing the changing nature of crime.

"From a position of strength, we need to ensure that Police Scotland adapts to these changes and has the range of skills and capacity to deal with growing demand, and that we do so in a financially sustainable way.

"Policing is a vital public service and it is essential that we listen to those we wish to serve to ensure we meet their expectations.

"Through this consultation, we are asking for everyone to provide their views on the approach outlined today and I would urge as many people as possible to take part.''

Chief Constable Phil Gormley said: "Policing in Scotland has gone through significant transition; it is proudly one of the oldest public services in the world.

"Now, the service must transform to realise and release the full benefits of being a single organisation.

"Local policing will remain at the heart of what we do, supported by a wide range of specialist capabilities.

"In an ever-changing world, people will continue to turn to the police service for a myriad of reasons, which means it's never been more important to understand our demand, both current and future, in order to be able to deliver a service which is relevant, has legitimacy and above all maintains the trust and confidence of the public.''