Hollyoaks spoilers: Mercedes and Myra McQueen's double wedding

With two McQueen weddings in a week - what could possibly go wrong?

Published 19th Mar 2019
Last updated 19th Mar 2019

All eyes are on Myra McQueen and her daughter Mercedes next week, as they prepare to walk down the aisle (...again) with their significant others for a double-whammy wedding!

Myra is set to wed school head teacher Sally St. Claire, while Mercedes gets ready to say "I do" to Sylver McQueen - but, in true Hollyoaks style, there are a couple of glitches...

Firstly, Myra realises that the wedding DJ is the same bloke she cheated on Sally with. Meanwhile, Mercedes is being blackmailed by Liam Donavon - who tells her that he'll get Sylver arrested for assault if she marries him. Will both women get their happy endings?

Elsewhere, things still aren't looking great for Maxine Minniver. She starts the week thinking that Damon Kinsella is going to leave her, then her health continues to deteriorate. What exactly is wrong with the poor love?


Myra and Mercedes McQueen are getting ready for their wedding bonanza, but first - Mercedes wants to cleanse herself of sin, so she confesses them all to priest Joel Dexter. He might need to get a strong coffee first...

Liam Donavon, however, doesn't seem too eager to atone for his own bad behaviour. In fact, he asks Mercedes to polish his shoes and even be his foot stool, otherwise he'll report husband-to-be Sylver McQueen for assault. Clearly ,he's enjoying having the upper hand.

Joel tries to convince Liam to stop… Good luck with that, hun.

Sylver is thinking about his birth mum, Harriet, and Mercedes suggests getting her from the home and bringing her to the wedding. Breda McQueen overhears this and is upset but Sylver consoles her.

Later, Liam tells Mercedes to jilt Sylver at the altar, or he will go to the police about Sylver attacking him…

Juliet Quinn barricades herself in her classroom and threatens to burn down the building.

It's the day of the double McQueen wedding… what could possibly go wrong?

Myra and Sally, and Mercedes and Sylver get ready to commit their lives to one another.

Meanwhile, Myra, Scott Drinkwell and Nana McQueen realise that Stevie Scaramouch, who Myra snogged last week, is the DJ at the wedding! Myra cries to them in the toilet about it, and Nana and Scott convince her it'll be okay.

Juliet is in full meltdown mode as she keeps threatening to burn the school down. Brooke Hathaway has an idea and calls Darren Osborne over for help, still thinking they had a romantic affair.

Later, Yazz Maalik is doing a vlog report with Brody Hudson and Damon, in which Brody confesses their plans to move to America one day. Maxine is listening, and is gutted that Damon may leave.

Damon reassures Maxine that his dream plan with Brody doesn't mean he doesn't want to be with her, but she seems unconvinced. Later, Liberty Savage catches Maxine looking faint, but Maxine begs her not to say anything to Damon.

Courtney Campbell is back, and Jesse Donavon is delighted.

Everyone is getting under each other's feet at James Nightingale's flat. Eep!

Damon promises to take Maxine and Minnie Blake out for ice cream, but he gets held up at work.

Misbah Maalik can't figure out what's wrong with Maxine. It's possible that she has a brain disease, and if that's the case, she could only have a few months left.

Maxine is hysterical, claiming to be getting worse by the day, but Damon is determined to help. Damon talks to Misbah, but his emotions take over and he starts shouting.

Sinead O'Connor finds out that Laurie Shelby is going on a school camping trip tonight with Sienna Blake, and tries to hide her jealousy, but is furious when she sees Sienna and Laurie outside having coffee. She storms over to them and kicks off, but Sienna is confused, as Laurie hasn't told her about the camping trip yet.

Liberty wants her and Sami Maalik to have dinner with Sienna and Brody. Liberty is gutted to hear Sienna can't make it, but has an idea to invite Brody and Sinead instead, but Sami accidentally lets it slip that Sinead is his ex.

Liberty is jealous, but still wants the dinner to go ahead. Liberty insists that she is fine but secretly might jealous.

This week, there's an attempted murder, drama with the double weddings and a pregnancy scare. It all kicks off with James Nightingale asking Donna-Marie Quinn to be a witness in his court case. Meanwhile, a furious Mac Nightingale is still planning to kill his son. Breda McQueen tells Mac she can't kill James but then has a change of heart and puts poison in James' coffee – is this the end for him? Elsewhere in the village Prince McQueen grows concerned for Lily McQueen and when she's left upset by Romeo Quinn she plans to self-harm again.

Hollyoaks airs on Channel 4 every weeknight at 6.30pm, with First Look on E4 at 7pm.