10 Painful Pop Gig Mishaps!

With Lady Gaga, One Direction, Rihanna and, of course, Beyonce

Published 24th Jul 2013

Inspired by Beyoncé getting her hair caught in a ventilation fan during a Montreal concert on Monday night (click here to watch the video), we’ve rounded up 10 more pop gig mishaps from over the years.

From falling over to getting dropped by backing dancers and vomiting in front of 20,000 fans, check out the wince-inducing on stage disasters in all their (non) glory below!

1. Lady Gaga’s Attempt To Mount A Piano Goes Wrong During a Monster Ball Tour show in Houston in April 2011, Gaga attempted to scale her piano mid-song. Sadly, she lost her balance on the piano stool and hit the deck with an almighty bang!

2. One Direction’s Harry Styles Hit In The Crotch By A Shoe The 1D boys are used to being showered with clothing and love letters by their fans, but a show of affection in Glasgow went wrong when a gig-goer launched a shoe on stage – hitting Harry square on in the private parts.

3. Justin Bieber Throws Up On Stage In Arizona At an Arizona show in 2012, JB was bouncing around with his usual teenage energy only to stop dead and proceed to projectile vomit. He later took to Twitter to blame the woozy spell on some milk he drank.

4. Miley Cyrus Isn’t Too Happy When Her Dancers Drop Her A few years back Miley was doing a normal routine with her dancers at a US gig when they failed to hold on to her properly! She later described the incident as “terrible”.

5. Taylor Swift Falls Flat On Her Backside in Ottawa The country superstar had already done the hard part of walking down the steps in her heels but took in a momentary lapse of concentration completely floored it on the flat. That’s gotta hurt!

6. Rihanna Takes A Trip During ‘What’s My Name?’ At an Edmonton, Kentucky show in 2012, red-haired RiRi strutted forward on stage during a performance of ‘What’s My Name?’ only to fall forwards to the ground. Without even flinching, she continued the song perfectly.

7. Demi Lovato Proves She’s Got Terrible Balance Not just one clip of Demi Lovato stacking it but an entire collection! Could it be Demi’s shoes or the fact that she’s got absolutely terrible balance?! We’ll let you decide.

8. Beyoncé Falls Face First Down Some Steps Half a decade before getting her hair stuck in a fan, Beyonce fell face first down a flight of stairs in the US. Dusting herself down, Beyoncé just gets up straight away and continues with her class act.

9. Lady Gaga Takes Being Sick In Her Stride Walking down the platform in Barcelona, Spain, Lady Gaga is sick not once but twice and takes it completely in her stride. Thankfully the backing track filled in the gaps and Gaga was able to continue effortlessly!

10. Miguel Takes Down Two Fans At the 2013 Billboard Music Awards in Los Angeles, Miguel tried an audacious jump between two platforms. Unfortunately for them, he kicked one girl in the head and slammed one girl with his other leg. Thankfully both were ok.