Hollyoaks star Stephanie Davis shares emotional message about abuse and coping with PTSD

She shared an emotional post with her followers

Published 2nd Jun 2019
Last updated 3rd Jun 2019

Ahead of her appearance at this year’s British Soap Awards, Hollyoaks actress Stephanie Davis posted an emotional message to fans detailing her journey back to happiness after a turbulent few years.

The star, who gave birth to son Caben in January 2017, reflected on her traumatic time following her troubled relationship with ex-partner Jeremy McConnell. The star went on to say how she had got sober following the end of her relationship with Jeremy and had returned to Hollyoaks.

Steph, who has been dating current boyfriend, co-star Owen Warner since last year, returned to Hollyoaks as Sinead Shelby and was nominated for the best actress gong at this year’s British Soap Awards, narrowly missing out to Emmerdale’s Lucy Pargeter.

Sharing a touching update with fans before the ceremony, Steph wrote: “So... Tomorrow night is the Soap Awards. I just wanna say a massive Thankyou to everyone who voted for me!!

"All your support has meant the word to me, seriously...all your lovely comments every day & messages & votes etc. Whatever happens is meant to be... I’m a firm believer of that.

"Everyone has worked so hard!

"For where I am in life now, I’m winning. It’s all about my beautiful baby boy & if I’ve made him proud, then that’s all that matters!

"I’ve over come so much,physical abuse broken nose broken ribs, severed tendons in my hand, bitten face bust lip, the list goes on, the worst mental abuse I wouldn’t wish on anyone, pregnant alone for 9 months, giving birth alone, lies and manipulation,

"Drinking to block the trauma and PTSD. being lonely oh so lonely & drowning, no one listening, to finally trying to end my life...TO NOW...

"I fought through, I have worked my ASS off on my self, in work, and EVERY aspect of my life! I struggled being a single mum, but I have done it, I’ve been knocked down massively but got back up & got back up & got back up again. (sic)”

The actress went on to describe that two years on, she finally feels as though she’s got her happy ending.

She added, “Caben has a happy mummy (still a tired one haha but happy) I met my best friend owen and... I finally FINALLY got My happy ending!”

The actress went on to wish all the other nominees in this year’s awards good luck and thanked her fans for all the support.

She wrote: “Here is to the strong people out there, may you continue fighting ❤️ Thankyou all for the amount of love and care you have shown me. I can’t wait to sit back, relax and enjoy the soap awards with my love owen.

"Good luck to anyone who’s up for an award your all winners ❤️Thankyou my baby boy Caben, for keeping me fighting & going from the very beginning, you are the reason I am who I am today & everything I do I do for you ❤️I love you!

"All my love guys, Stephanie.”