Michelle Keegan praised for raising awareness of cervical screenings

She live-streamed her experience

Author: Emma DoddsPublished 12th Nov 2018

Michelle Keegan has been lauded by fans after she took to Instagram to talk about cervical screenings. The Our Girl actress, who rose to fame on Coronation Street in 2008 before leaving in 2014, spoke out on her social media profiles about the importance of getting a smear test amid dropping rates in young women getting checked.

Posting a series of videos on her Instagram profile, the 31-year-old wrote, 'It’s Time to talk Cervical Screening examinations... AKA the dreaded SMEAR (horrible word) test! I’m going to be honest with you all, I’ve had numerous letters come through my front door that I’ve pushed aside. I’ve also ignored my mums tiresome pleas telling me to book an appointment with my local GP.' sic

Michelle then listed the reasons she'd put the screening off, revealing that she'd 'used the excuse of being too busy', writing that it's 'bloody embarrassing to drop your knickers and open your legs in front of a total stranger' and adding that she was worried about potential pain from the smear.

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Michelle Keegan praised for raising awareness of cervical screenings
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But after her appointment, Michelle revealed that it was over in two minutes, and had been 'a tad uncomfortable but by no means painful', revealing that she'd done some research and found that numbers of women getting tested had dropped to an 'all time low in 20 years!'

She then pleaded with her followers to get tested, writing, 'Cervical Cancer is the most common cancer in women under the age of 35, with some having no symptoms whatsoever. 75% of cervical cancers can be prevented by having regular cervical screening.

'Let me break this down for you...SMEAR TESTS SAVES LIVES. My advice to you... STOP making excuses, book, and go for your bloody smear! A smear tests last 5 minutes the impact of cervical cancer lasts a life time!' sic

Michelle garnered huge praise from her 3.7 million followers, with many leaving comments of support on the post. One wrote, 'I used to work in the screening centre and it’s horrific how many people ignore reminder letters!! Get it done ladies! Get booked in with the doctor if you’re under the screening age but have symptoms, don’t take no for an answer!'

Another added, 'Fantastic post Michelle đź’•đź’• talking about smear tests can help save lives ,' as another wrote, 'Soo much respect for you reaching out to other women!' sic

If you need any information on cervical screenings, head to the Cancer Research UK or ring 0808 800 4040.

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