Meet the world's first Ned Flanders themed metal band - Okilly Dokilly!

Check out their brutal 'nedal' music

Published 13th Aug 2015

Say hi-diddily-ho to the world’s first ever Ned Flanders themed metal band, the aptly titled Okilly Dokilly!

Hailing from Phoenix, Arizona all five members of the band (who are called Head Ned, Bled Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned and Stead Ned) sport identical Ned Flanders looks with circular glasses, green sweaters, grey trousers and slicked back brown hair.

Not stopping there, every one of their brutally heavy 'Nedal' songs are in homage to Homer Simpsons’ bible-bashing neighbour too.


Explaining how they came up with the idea, vocalist and band leader Head Ned said: “Myself and our drummer were in line at a grocery store, entertaining ourselves by coming up with really cutesy names for really hardcore, brutal bands.

“The name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very funny to us - we ran with it. I contacted a few friends, and here we are.”

Despite the cheery inspiration for their band, Ned says they upped the ante in the heaviness of their music.


“Most of us have played in other bands around our hometown. This is definitely the heaviest sounding project any of us Neds have done,” Head Ned told Rip It Up.

“(The music is) not as fast as Bartcore, and a little cleaner than Krusty Punk. Not as heavy as Homer metal- Nedal is a happy medium in the Simpscene.”

Of the songs, Head Ned added: “All That Is Left is pretty fun. It’s our homage to the Leftorium (Ned Flanders’ left handed store) and the bridge is entirely left handed puns.”

Check out some of their demos below. play their debut show in Phoenix on 5th September.