Leona Lewis is In:Demand

The 2006 X Factor winner talks about the show, Christmas presents, and teaches Alex James how to Gizoogle

Published 16th Dec 2013

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Leona talks about Christmas & X Factor, and teaches

Alex James about Gizoogle

The 2006 X Factor winner is releasing her festive album Christmas, With Love with the single One More Sleep to get us in the Christmas spirit.

Leona reveals what she has on her Christmas list, "My main present that I really, really want is a vintage gramophone. The guy that I was recording the whole album with had one and he would play the records. I would really, really love one."

Leona performed on this year's X Factor this year and she also mentored the winner, Sam Bailey. "She's a really lovely girl, she's really down to earth and relaxed - surprisingly! I heard her singing and gave her a few tips to help her along the way a little bit."

During the interview, while Alex was Googling gramophones for Leona, she taught him about Gizoogle - the ghetto Google! "Everything is in Snoop Dogg style! I love Gizoogle, it's brilliant!", Leona said.

Click play to listen to the other highlights from the interview and watch the video for One More Sleep.