Kings of Leon are In:Demand

The band are back after taking a hiatus with their new song Supersoaker

Published 17th Jul 2013

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The American Rockers are back and In:Demand

The band are back with their sixth upcoming studio album after taking a hiatus. Alex asked them what they did during this time off, "We all kind of did different things. Three of us had babies, I got married. I don't have a baby yet but I've been practising having a baby a lot!

"Nobody went backpacking in Europe for months or to Africa or anything like that but we didn't have that much contact with each other. We never really do when we're off the road."

The guys hit the big time with their song Sex on Fire and are hoping to reach those heights with their new single, Supersoaker. Speaking about their success, they said, "Sex on Fire was a complete surprise, I had no idea. I was surprised when they wanted it to be a single, much less when it became popular"

The pair talk about their recording process and pick out the future hits from their upcoming album. Press play to hear the whole interview.