JLS are In:Demand

The boys say Goodbye to Alex James and In:Demand with their final interview on the show.

Published 18th Nov 2013

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The Gentlemen of Pop say Goodbye to Alex James and In:Demand

JLS are calling it a day after five years in the charts with over ten million records sold and five Number Ones under their belts.

The boys say they want to go out at the top and have plenty of memories to look back on, "Of course we could keep going, but for us it was just important to know when it was our time to call it a day. And we're calling it a day on an arena tour, which is huge. It's one of those things we've always dreamed about.

"I think some people can overstay their welcome and we never wanted to be that band. We wanted to leave on a high and on top and being as big as we have been. We're now happy to hand over the baton to the new kids on the block. No pun intended!"

Click play to listen to the highlights from the final JLS interview and watch the video for Billion Lights.