Example is In:Demand

Stu catches up with Example after the ultimate touring weekend to ask him about married life and his new single Kids Again

Published 18th Mar 2014

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Elliot talks to Stu after an exhausting 6 shows in 3 days

Talking about his tiring weekend, Example said, "I had about three hours sleep all weekend, it was really good. Those three days killed me more than when I used to do 30-day tours. Next weekend is going to be the ultimate sleep-ender!"

When Stu asked how Elliot feels about his new single Kids Again he said, "It's just nice to have some music out again because I haven't had anything out since last August. Seven or eight months for me is a big gap without releasing something considering I've released a single every three months for the past five years.

"It seems to be going well and people like it. It also goes really nice with this little bit of good weather we're having!"

Example has got so sick of people asking if marriage has changed his music that he has started making up answers. Stu asked him again to get a joke answer, "Well you see, what happens is once you get married your partner doesn't want to make love anymore because all that happens before the marriage. So my new album is about getting a lot more sleep and as a result I'm in a much better place."

Click play to listen to the other highlights, where Example answers the question that John Martin asked him for In:Demand's Celebrity Box of Questions. You can also watch his video for Kids Again.