This dog and her lifelong cuddly toy are adorable

She's destroyed every toy but this one

Published 16th Dec 2015

A photo has gone viral of a dog who's kept one toy with her for life.

Luca the Alaskan Malamute was six weeks old when she was first pictured with her toy.

Her owner, Karissa Lerch, told a website that before she got Luca she couldn't afford a dog at college and so she bought a toy wolf.

Now the stuffed toy has been handed down to the puppy and she's apparently kept it by her side ever since.

According to Reddit, Luca even takes the toy to bed with her.

Even though she's only one-and-a-half-years-old now, Luca's apparenlty destroyed many toys, apart from this one.

Karissa added that she's the most 'loving and cuddly' dog and everyone who meets loves her too.

Too cute!