Boaty McBoatface wins the poll to name a new research vessel

However the final decision goes to the Natural Environment Research Council.

Published 18th Apr 2016

When the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) opened up the naming of their new research ship to the public they couldn't have foreseen the popularity of one particular suggestion.

Boaty McBoatface, a name suggested by Communications Manager and former radio presenter, James Hand, gained early popularity and has now come out top with around 90,000 more votes than the second place name, RRS Poppy-Mai.

Despite the popularity of the ridiculous name NERC still have the right to choose an alternative name according to a clause in their Ts & Cs and will announce the name in due course.

The competition to name the ship started earlier this year with a full campaign launched in March, when James put forward his suggestion.

Due to set sail in 2019 the new research ship is backed by ÂŁ200 million of government funding and will be used in Antarctica, one of the most challenging environments.

Boaty McBoatface was so popular that even Royal Caribbean have asked James to help them name one of their new boats, as well as cheese and trains being renamed in his honour.