Give the Greatest Gift this Christmas

Support local children who could wake up to nothing

Published 15th Dec 2018
Last updated 15th Dec 2018

Cash for Kids Mission Christmas is accepting gift donations until Tuesday 18th December, so there's still time if you'd like to donate!

Please donate just one gift if you can, and we'll make sure it goes to a local child who's at risk of waking up to nothing on Christmas Day. Gifts should be new and unwrapped, and you can take them to drop-off points across the region - visit the Mission Christmas page to find your nearest one.

The Journey of the Gift

Have you ever wondered what happens to gifts after you've donated them to Mission Christmas? Watch the video to see how your kindness will benefit a disadvantaged child!

Gift Ideas

Here's some ideas for the kinds of gifts you could donate. We always stuggle for certain age groups, particularly small babies and teenagers, so please think about giving something for them!

Get your gifts from AmazonSmile and we'll get a percentage of what you buy too, at no cost to you!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon that you know, but they'll donate something from all eligible products that you purchase to us. Visit AmazonSmile today to choose your charity and get started, then browse their Christmas Shop where you can find gifts broken down by age.

Any gifts donated after the 18th December are very much appreciated, but we can't guarantee that they'll be distributed in time for Christmas. They'll be collected as soon as possible and will be used for emergency grants in the New Year (such as to Women's Refuges and families displaced over the festive period) or kept in storage until next year’s Mission Christmas.

Thank you for supporting Mission Christmas!

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